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New survey open now!! Mc Cormicks testing panel


If you don't already have an account now is the time to sign up. Just recently got an invite for a survey did you?? Also don't forget with every survey you are able to enter you are eligible to win 1 of 5 $25 amazon gift cards!!! What a deal!!

Do you like cooking and using spices? who doesn't right. We all like to try new things or already have a favorite way of cooking things as well as should be familiar with the club house McCormick brand. Well I stumbled upon this one a couple weeks back through another website I check often for deals and signed up right away . You can click the picture to sign up right away and or read on for more information about the company and how you can test products for free!

About the McCormick Consumer Testing Panel

The McCormick consumer testing panel is a company that wants to hear your opinion on products for purpose of developing better products for the near future. If they notice one product was not a hot hit, then maybe take it off the market and make something new. They even compensate you for your time by sending you amazon E-gift cards. Now that is sweet, They pay you to try products for free!! You can also participate up to four times a year, once every three months, if available and you meet the demographic criteria.

How to sign up?

When you go to the website you simply click apply here where it says want to become a panelist. You can email them at if you have any questions. You then continue to create your account and make sure your address is correct. They just want to make sure you don't have any food allergies and if you have children in the house. I'm assuming for maybe baked goods and what not for kids.

How does it work?

Once you've signed up, you then have to go into the email account you used and click on the confirmation link that they should have sent you. You will then confirm your account just to make things final and confirm your account in this testing panel. They should then send you an email with a whole bunch of information and answers to all the questions you may have. You will be responsible for checking your account to see if there are any test available to complete. Once you are accepted and received your product, simply try it and then complete the required survey and reviews on the product.

How to complete surveys

Once you get your product and you have tried it as well, you will be able to complete a survey to tell the company if you enjoyed your product or not. Pictures are always good to add in reviews as it looks better for you standing by your promise of completing the surveys and such. These will be available through either a link in an email that they send you, or when you log onto your account online. I am not 100% sure as I have yet to receive anything from them as i also just sign up a couple weeks ago.

Cant wait to start receiving products myself and to hear if anyone else has got anything from them yet!

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